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1 / 30

1) Overpopulation is caused by___

2 / 30

2) Which of the following is an example of free good?

3 / 30

3) Real cost is___

4 / 30

4) In a free market economy, the rationing of scarce goods is done principally by?

5 / 30

5) Which of the following Age group belongs to active Labour force?

6 / 30

6) The term ‘investment’ in macroeconomics means___

7 / 30

7) The short run can be defined as the period of time during which___

8 / 30

8) Which of the following is an example of expansionary monetary policy by the Central Bank of Nigeria?

9 / 30

9) The type of unemployment that occurs when an individual cannot find job as a result of obsolete skill is___

10 / 30

10) The demand curve for goods of ostentation is usually__

11 / 30

11) Calculate the equilibrium level of national income (Y) where Y = C + I + G; C = 100 + 0.75Y; I = 50; G = 200

12 / 30

12) If demand function for a product is Qd = 30 – 4P, and the price and quantity of products is 4 and 14 respectively. What is the price elasticity of demand for the product?

13 / 30

13) Scale of preference shows__

14 / 30

14) If commodities X and Y are substitute, their cross elasticity of demand will be

15 / 30

15) Among all the determinants of economic growth, the most important one is

16 / 30

16) The principle that specified that the amount, when and how to pay tax should be made known to tax payer is known as

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17) A persistence rise in the prices of inputs will lead to

18 / 30

18) One major problem facing West African countries is___

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19) A major characteristic of natural resources is they___

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20) If the supply curve of labour market is given as S = 4L + 8. What is L when s = 20?

21 / 30

21) The development of an economic hypothesis through intuition, insight, or logic is associated with__

22 / 30

22) 40 men were employed on a farm, and they produced an average of 30 tonnes of cassava per person. Calculate the total product.

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————- is NOT the cause of balance of payments (BOP) deficits in Nigeria

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24) The economies of West African Countries depend majorly on___

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25) The number of people who are qualified to work and who offered themselves for employment are called__

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26) The mining sector of an economy contributes 60% to the Gross Domestic Product(GDP). If the GDP is $540, what is the contribution of the mining sector?

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27) A ………… in the price of the domestic currency in terms of a foreign currency is referred to as ………….

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28) A tariff is a tax imposed on__

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………………… is the highest body in ECOWAS organogram

30 / 30

30) The quantity of commodity a consumer is willing and able to buy at a particular time is called___

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Auto Refresh and Link Loop Auto Refresh and Link Loop
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