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1 / 50


From the novel;This question is based on "The Life Changer" novel.

Dr. Samuel Johnson is also known as_____

2 / 50

2) From the novel;

This question is based on "The Life Changer" novel.

Who among Salma\'s roommate was reserved and withdrawn yet generous to a fault?

3 / 50

3) In each of the following questions, the main or primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress



4 / 50


Choose the one nearest in meaning to the word(s) in bracket

Okibe was rusticated for his [derogatory] remark about the principal

5 / 50

5) The primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D choose the one that has the correct stress.

6 / 50


Choose the option that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter[s] highlighted.


7 / 50

7) Choose the word that has the same rhyme scheme for questions below.

8 / 50


Choose the one nearest in meaning to the word(s) in bracket

Justice is difficult to enforce because people are unwilling to accept any loss of [sovereignty]

9 / 50


Choose the word that does not have the same vowel sound as the others

10 / 50

10) From the novel;

This question is based on "The Life Changer" novel.

Ummi is an Arabic word that is directly translated to mean_____

11 / 50

11) Choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word
I was skeptical about the story she told me.

12 / 50

12) Choose the word that has the same rhyme


13 / 50


Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the highlighted word(s)
Victor played the role of a haughty prince.

14 / 50

14) From the options lettered A-D, choose the option that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word.

My father is parsimonious.

15 / 50

15) Fill in the gap with the option that best completes the sentence.

It was _____ who killed the goat.

16 / 50

16) Choose the option that has a different vowel sound from the others

17 / 50


Choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the one in bracket;


18 / 50


From the novel;How many girls were allocated to a room in the hostel?

19 / 50

19) This question is based on "The Life Changer" novel.

According to the novel, which of these characters had a nasty experience on the account of using social media?

20 / 50

20) Pick out the option with a different rhyme

21 / 50

21) From the words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.


My father _______ on the floor

22 / 50

22) From the novel;

This question is based on "The Life Changer" novel.

_________ is the euphemism use for Cheat notes.

23 / 50

23) This question is based on Khadijat Abubakar Jalli's novel, "The Life Changer"

From the novel;The book described Talle as a?

24 / 50


In this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.

If he were here, it could be more fun.

25 / 50

25) Choose the word that has the same rhyme scheme.

26 / 50


In this question, fill each gap with the most appropriate option from the list provided.

Without our relentless campaigns, we might ...... sure of victory in the race for the National Assembly.

27 / 50

27) Choose the word or group of words that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the highlighted words.

The gradual process of transition to civilian rule came to an _____ end.

28 / 50


Fill in the gap with the option that best completes the sentence.

I have always found that it is helpful to have a few wise and trusted people to ________ you can turn for information and advice.

29 / 50

29) From the novel;

Which of the following course does Salma find very difficult?

30 / 50

30) In each of the following sentences, the word that resolves the emphatic stress is written in capital letters. From the options letters A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer.

Daddy plays TENNIS on Saturday afternoons

31 / 50


This question is based on "The Life Changer" novel.

In Lafayette, before a stranger is hosted or accommodated, permission must be requested and granted by_______

32 / 50

32) Choose the word or phrase from A to D which has its meaning opposite to the underlined word or words in each sentence

She was impertinent until she met her husband.

33 / 50


My account with the bank is in the red. This means that my account is

34 / 50

34) Choose the word that has a different stress pattern

35 / 50

35) Fill in the gap with the option that best completes the sentence.

Between you and _____, he is a liar.

36 / 50


From the novel;This question is based on "The Life Changer" novel.

why did Omar say he passed his SSCE by no means a small feat?

37 / 50

37) From the words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.


My brother graduated from university last year; he will soon_________

38 / 50

38) After each of the following sentences a list of possible interpretations is given, choose the interpretation that is most appropriate for each sentence.
Peter and Jane love each other ...... the difficulties they face.

39 / 50

39) The words in capital letter have the emphatic stress. Choose the options to which the given sentences relate.
I bought my WIFE a red dress

40 / 50


From the novel;Who among the following character was sitting next to Salma during her final examination?

41 / 50


Choose the word that has the same rhyme scheme


42 / 50


From the words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.

The man, as well as the woman ________, arrested

43 / 50

43) Choose the word with the same vowel sound as the one in bracket

44 / 50


From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) highlighted below.


45 / 50

45) How long was Christopher Marlowe\'s literary life?

46 / 50

46) From the words lettered A to D below, choose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the passage.

Bisi has become an indispensable member of staff.

47 / 50

47) Choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s)

Repugnant rules in the society should be repealed.

48 / 50


From the words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.


Many a ____________ to understand me

49 / 50


From the list of words in A to D, choose one that best describes the sentence.
James and Henry were at daggers drawn when I knew them. This means that they

50 / 50

50) Choose the appropriate stress pattern from the options.The stressed words are in capital letter(s)

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The average score is 41%


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